ISBN NUMBER: 0-9765849-1-3
BOOMER'S GUIDEBOOK TO DOUBLE-DIGIT INVESTMENT INCOME is a timely and profitable tutorial investment program. The book is all you need to readily understand the process of writing covered calls and cash covered/uncovered puts on high dividend yielding stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). READ MORE FOLLOWING THE PICTURE.
The book includes the following:
A complete glossary.
Details of the benefits, features and risks of covered call writing
and cash covered/uncovered put option writing
Excel templates are provided with the book along with complete
instructions to calculate put and call writing opportunities.
Discussion of technical analysis techniques to help you time your
market decisions for combination option writing.
A free copy of the eBook Finding Financial Freedom will be e-
mailed to all buyers of the Boomer's Guidebook. This book,
accompanied by financial planning Excel files, will allow the user
to prepare a complete personal lifelong financial plan and to
modify it as necessary. "What if" changes can easily be made to
accommodate any financial scenario.
The Boomer Guidebook provides a complete education and implementation program for Boomer investors who seek a realistic opportunity to achieve double-digit annualized investment returns utilizing a strategy of buying high yielding dividend stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), then writing covered calls. A second strategy involves writing puts on such investments, providing for double-digit income as well as the potential opportunity to purchase the shares at a discount from the current market price.
This book is a turnkey solution that will give you the theoretical and practical tools necessary to develop and implement an investment discipline that will provide the opportunity to achieve significant investment returns through option writing. It is written in a clear and understandable way that will require no assistance from anyone other than a brokerage account.
A template using Microsoft Excel is included. This template facilitates making calculations to select the best covered call and put option writing opportunities on individual stocks and ETFs.