~ Earn Two Option Premiums from One Margin Requirement on Individual Stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Without Owning Them ~
ISBN NUMBER: 0-9715514-6-4
WRITING UNCOVERED PUT AND CALL COMBINATIONS is a timely and profitable tutorial investment program. The book is all you need to readily understand the process of writing uncovered put and call combinations, whereby the investor who is prepared to take more risk can potentially earn much greater returns. The combination writer receives both a put and a call premium as income on only one margin requirement. READ MORE FOLLOWING THE PICTURE.
The book includes the following:
A complete glossary.
Details of the benefits, features and risks of put and call
combination option writing.
How to use the templates to calculate combination writing
Discussion of technical analysis techniques to help you time your
market decisions for combination option writing.
Investment Web sites on the Internet
A complete index to the text
This book provides a complete education and implementation program for investors who seek a realistic opportunity to achieve double- and even triple-digit annualized investment returns utilizing a single-margin strategy of writing uncovered puts and calls on individual stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) without owning them. It is designed for investors who have experience with covered call writing on individual stocks or ETFs, and preferably also with put option writing, and who are prepared to take greater risk to obtain greater returns.
For the option investor, the simultaneous writing of a put and a call option on the same security can provide a two-fold steady stream of cash income utilizing the same margin requirement if structured properly. It can also provide a chance to purchase desired shares of stock at a lower than current market price, if that is the investor’s objective. This book will give you the theoretical and practical tools necessary to develop and implement an investment discipline that will provide the opportunity to achieve significant investment returns through writing uncovered put and call combinations on individual stocks and ETFs.
For investors who have time to watch the market, who have the comfort that comes from knowledge and experience with other option writing strategies, and fully understand and are prepared to take additional investment risk, writing uncovered put and call option combinations offers the opportunity for very high returns at a time when the overall long-term outlook for investment returns, both equity and fixed income, seems to be at very low tide.
A template using Microsoft Excel for PCs is included. This template facilitates making calculations to select the best put option writing opportunities on individual stocks and ETFs.