ISBN NUMBER: 0-9715514-3-X
COVERED CALL WRITING WITH Qs and DIAMONDS is a timely and profitable tutorial investment program. The book is all you need to readily understand the process of writing covered call options on two of the most liquid and highly suitable Exchange Traded Funds known as the Qs and Diamonds. It will also guide you in the development of a personal implementation program to suit your investment objectives. READ MORE FOLLOWING THE PICTURE.
The book includes the following:
A complete glossary.
Details of the benefits, features and risks of covered call option
Use of both out-of-the-money and in-the-money covered call
writing to maximize investment returns based upon prevailing
market conditions and your own personal investment goals.
How to determine ticker symbols for options.
How to use the templates to calculate covered call writing
opportunities and track investment results.
Discussion of technical analysis techniques to help ou time your
market decisions for covered call writing.
Investment Web sites on the Internet
A complete index to the text
Templates using Microsoft Excel are included as part of this book. These templates facilitate making calculations to select the best covered call option writing opportunities on your ETF portfolio and also to track your investment results.