~ Consistent Double-Digit Returns ~
~ Knowledge of Stocks Not Required ~
~ Proven Back-Tested Track Record ~
~Small Investment Requirement ~
~ 15 Minutes a Month to Implement ~
~ Turnkey Method Provided ~
ISBN NUMBER: 0-9715514-6-4
SHORT SPIDER STRADDLES ~ A WINNING COMBINATION is a timely and profitable tutorial investment program. The book is all you need to readily understand the process of writing straddles on the Spiders (SPY). The straddle writer receives both a put and a call premium as income on only one margin requirement. READ MORE FOLLOWING THE PICTURE.
This book provides a complete turnkey program and instructions for implementation program for investors who seek a realistic opportunity to achieve double annualized investment returns utilizing a single-margin strategy of writing uncovered puts and calls on Spiders Trust Series I Exchange Traded Fund SPY without owning the shares. It is designed for investors who have experience with covered call writing on individual stocks or ETFs, and preferably also with put option writing.
For the option investor, the simultaneous writing of a put and a call option on the same security can provide a two-fold steady stream of cash income utilizing the same margin requirement if structured properly. This book will give you the theoretical and practical tools necessary to develop and implement an investment discipline that will provide the opportunity to achieve significant investment returns through writing uncovered put and call combinations on Spiders. Significant historical information is also provided so the investor can determine how he would have fared in the past, which can also provide parameters for future performance expectations.
A new template using Microsoft Excel is included. This template facilitates making calculations to select the best put and call straddle writing opportunities and is replete with historical information about the performance of the S&P 500 on which the Spiders are based.